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Entity Removal & Clearings

An "Entity" is any sovereign Being with a distinct and independent existence. Typically these Beings are not seen by most folks. They are freely having their own existence in and around ours. Contrary to the belief of some, entities do not require our belief in them to exist, AND believing in them alone does NOT draw them to you. Some of our activities or environments however, can be more attractive to them than others. It is not uncommon for multiple entities to be in one place or bothering one person if it has been going on for some time, AND, they are notoriously drawn to individuals who have incarnated at this time to do powerful and important work on the planet, like a moth to a flame. 

Entities can generally be put into good, neutral, or bad categories. Another way to say this is they are beneficial, benign, or harmful. We want to encourage beneficial entities such as Angels, Benevolent Spirit Guides, Animal Spirit Guides, and so on, while also reducing and eliminating harmful entities. Benign entities such as land protectors are generally not much of a concern to us, but some such as a good-natured lost soul who is no longer supposed to be on this plane do require intervention. 

If you suspect you are dealing with one or more harmful or negative entities (see below for possible signs & symptoms), I can help you with a permanent resolution. Many healing practitioners claim to "remove" harmful energies but many are not trained to remove things in such a way they can never come back to bother you again or prevent them from just becoming someone else's problem, and sometimes that person is them.

My training in this field has been a life-long journey as it is a major soul contract of mine in this lifetime, coming directly from the trials and lessons of Source/Spirit along with the help and guidance of my benevolent Spirit Guides. 

Possible Signs and Symptoms You are Dealing with an Unwanted Entity 

If anything highlighted above describes any of your experiences you might be dealing with a Negative or Harmful Entity. While you can attempt to continue on without assistance, in most cases these beings are not helpful to have around and you can eventually suffer greatly as a result of their presence. 


The first step to send these Beings on their way, to a place they can no longer bother you or anyone else, is a consultation to determine what and how many you're dealing with. Our consultation will reveal this information along with a price quote, and date/time to remove them.


*Please note I do not need to be physically present to get the correct info or to do the clearing. 

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